
俄克拉荷马城,二月. 6, 2013年(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Gulfport能源公司(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(简称“Gulfport”)今天提供了一份运营更新报告,并安排了2012年第四季度和全年财务和运营业绩电话会议.


2012年第四季度, 净产量为540,558桶石油, 366,258 thousand cubic feet ("MCF") of natural gas and 289,728 gallons of natural gas liquids ("NGL"), or 608,499年央行. Net production for the fourth quarter of 2012 by region was 293,West Cote Blanche Bay的906 BOE, 217,在Hackberry大街686号, 69,Utica页岩储量为667 BOE, 17,在二叠纪盆地有100个BOE, 总共新葡京是10,巴肯油田140桶油当量, Niobrara和其他地区. 2012年, Gulfport的净产量为2,323,373桶石油, 1,107,744亿立方英尺的天然气和2,714,085加仑液化天然气, or 2,572,618年央行.

Realized price for the fourth quarter of 2012 including transportation costs was $101.每桶石油89美元,3美元.每MCF天然气100美元,每MCF天然气100美元.01 per gallon of NGL, for a total equivalent of $92.80 / BOE. Realized price for the full-year 2012 including transportation costs was $104.每桶石油46美元,2美元.每百万立方英尺天然气91美元.98 per gallon of NGL, for a total equivalent of $96.63 / BOE.

产量: 4Q2012 4Q2011 2012 2011
油(MBbls) 540.6 617.9 2,323.4 2,128.1
天然气(mcf) 366.3 186.3 1,107.7 878.1
天然气凝析液(毫伽) 289.7 535.4 2,714.1 2,468.5
油当量(MBOE) 608.5 661.7 2,572.6 2,333.2
石油(每桶) $101.89 $109.18 $104.46 $104.33
天然气(每立方英尺) $3.00 $3.67 $2.91 $4.37
NGL(每加仑) $1.01 $1.39 $0.98 $1.25
油当量(BOE) $92.80 $104.11 $96.63 $98.13


Gulfport reported year-end 2012 total proved reserves of 13.8800万桶油当量.25 million barrels of oil ("百万桶") 和33.77 billion cubic feet ("供应量") of natural gas. 截至2012年底,这一数字为59.8% of Gulfport's proved reserves were classified as proved developed reserves. Gulfport将其在Permian盆地的所有石油和天然气权益贡献给Diamondback Energy的预表, 公司. ("Diamondback"), year-end total proved reserves increased 114% over 2011.

  石油 天然气 石油当量
  百万桶 供应量 MMBOE
已探明的开发生产  1.88  4.95  2.70
已开发非生产  3.34  13.53  5.60
被证明新葡京是不发达的  3.03  15.29  5.58
总探明储量  8.25  33.77  13.88

瓦格纳1-28H,  Gulfport's longest producing well in the 尤蒂卡页岩, was assigned gross proved estimated ultimate recovery ("EUR") reserves of 65.8千桶石油,9.5亿立方英尺的天然气.3000桶液化天然气,或1.8 MMBOE of proved reserve by third-party engineering firm Ryder Scott Company.

In accordance with SEC guidelines ("SEC案件"), 2012年底, reserve calculations were based on the average first day of the month price for the prior 12 months. The prices utilized for Gulfport's year-end 2012 reserve report were $91.原油每桶32美元和2美元.76 / MMBTU天然气, in each case as adjusted by lease for transportation fees and regional price differentials. 利用这些价格, 截至12月31日,Gulfport已探明总储量折算10%后的现值为4.37亿美元(PV-10), 2012. The following table summarizes Gulfport's PV-10 values as of December 31, 2012.

已探明的开发生产 $119
已开发非生产 $182
被证明新葡京是不发达的 $136
总探明储量 $437



Effective December 31, 2012, third party engineers GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. ("GLJ") provided an assessment report to 灰熊油砂 ULC ("灰熊"), a company in which Gulfport holds an approximate 25% equity interest, estimating that 灰熊 has 67 million barrels of proved reserves, 7100万桶的可能储量, 和3.1 billion barrels of best estimate (P50) contingent resource.

The following table summarizes GLJ's determination of 灰熊's reserves and resources effective December 31, 2012.

储量及资源 灰熊
探明储量 67
可能储量 71
探明+可能储量 138
最佳估计(P50)或有资源 3,060

GLJ储量和资源评估报告新葡京是根据国家仪器51-101标准编写的,使用了加拿大石油和天然气评估手册中详细介绍的最佳实践. For important qualifications and limitations relating to these oil sands reserves and resources, 请参见“油砂储量” & 下面的参考资料说明.


在加拿大的油砂, 目前,灰熊公司的Algar Lake SAGD项目正处于建设的最后阶段,预计将于2013年第一季度末开始投产,并于2013年年中开始生产. 

灰熊 is currently conducting a 25 well delineation program at May River, 到目前为止,已经完成了14口井. Following the 2012/2013 winter exploration program, 灰熊在May River的地产将被勘探到足够的水平,以支持最初的12个申请,000 barrel per day ("bpd") SAGD project regulatory application.

灰熊公司(灰熊)与加拿大国家铁路公司(“CN”)签署了一份谅解备忘录,新葡京赌场app下载了其沥青运输到美国的10年协议的费率结构.S. 墨西哥湾沿岸的铁路. 这一安排有望为灰熊公司的Algar Lake项目提供一致的基于布伦特的定价.

灰熊也在进行设计, permitting and construction of rail terminals in northern Alberta and on the Lower Mississippi, with scalable capacity to accommodate unit trains to ship and receive up to 100,000桶. 灰熊 anticipates beginning to transport the company's bitumen starting in the fourth quarter of 2013.


  • Gulfport's 童子军5-33H tested at a peak rate of 902 barrels of condensate per day, 2.9 million cubic feet ("MMCF") per day of natural gas, 和383 barrels of NGLs per day assuming full ethane recovery and a natural gas shrink of 22%, or 1,每天662桶油当量.

Gulfport's 童子军5-33H well was recently tested. The 童子军5-33H was drilled to a true vertical depth of 7,867英尺,6英尺,029英尺水平侧向. The well tested at a rate of 902 barrels of condensate per day and 2.9百万立方英尺/天的天然气. Based upon composition analysis, the gas being produced is 1,259 BTU rich gas. 假设乙烷完全回收, 上述成分预计每MMCF天然气将额外生产132桶液化天然气,并导致天然气收缩22%. 在乙烷排出模式下, 该组合物预计每MMCF天然气产量为58桶液化天然气,导致天然气收缩10%. Gulfport is currently flowing the 童子军5-33H into a sales pipeline.

Gulfport is currently flowing three wells into sales. MarkWest Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE:MWE) ("MarkWest") estimates that seven Gulfport wells will be producing by the end of the first quarter.

瓦格纳1-28H 目前生产
童子军1-33H 目前生产
童子军5-33H 目前生产
Shugert 1-1H 3/15/2013
Shugert 1-12H 3/15/2013
BK斯蒂芬斯1-14H 3/24/2013
《突袭1-25H 3/24/2013
粘土1-4H  4/1/2013
结实的1-12H 4/1/2013
结实的2-12H 4/1/2013
Groh 1-12H 6/1/2013
里昂1-27H 6/1/2013
里昂2-27H 6/1/2013
斯塔茨曼1-14H 6/1/2013

2012年钻探的剩余油井延迟投产主要与MarkWest公司面临的挑战有关,即获得通行权(ROW),并获得必要的州和联邦许可. Gulfport和MarkWest一直在密切合作,以解决这些问题,并希望在2012年开发的所有井都能在6月初连接并投产. 


Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2012 Conference Call

Gulfport will hold a conference call on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. CST to discuss its fourth quarter and full-year 2012 financial and operational results, to provide management's comments on the results and to provide an update on the Company's recent activities. Gulfport定于周二股市收盘后公布第四季度和2012年全年收益, 2月26日, 2013. 

Interested parties may listen to the call via Gulfport's website at jpkc.abracada8.com or by calling toll-free at 877-291-1287 or 973-409-9250 for international callers. 呼叫密码为94574808. 通话回放将在两周内拨打855-859-2056或拨打404-537-3406拨打国际电话. 重放密码为94574808. 网络直播将保存在公司网站上,并可在公司的“投资者关系”页面上访问. 


新葡京新葡京是一家位于俄克拉荷马城的独立石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,其主要生产资产位于路易斯安那州墨西哥湾沿岸. Gulfport还收购了俄亥俄州东部的Utica页岩和科罗拉多州西部的Niobrara地层. 除了, 通过对灰熊油砂 ULC的投资,Gulfport在加拿大Alberta 石油 Sands拥有相当大的面积,并在西德克萨斯州Permian盆地和东南亚的实体中拥有权益, including the Phu Horm gas field in Thailand.


(1)在《加拿大油气评价手册》(以下简称“COGE手册”)中,已探明储量被定义为那些可以高度确定地估算出可采储量的储量. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the estimated Proved reserves.

《赌球app下载》将可能储量定义为比已探明储量更不确定被开采的额外储量. 同样有可能的新葡京是,实际剩余采出量将大于或小于估计已探明储量加上可能储量的总和.

(3) Contingent Resources are defined in the COGE Handbook as those quantities of petroleum estimated, 在给定的日期, 利用已建立的技术或正在开发的技术,有可能从已知的油藏中开采出来, but which are not currently considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more contingencies.

(4) Prospective Resources are defined in the COGE Handbook as those quantities of petroleum estimated, 在给定的日期, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects.

(5) COGE手册中定义的最佳估计值被认为新葡京是对实际从积累中恢复的数量的最佳估计值. 如果使用概率方法, this term is a measure of central tendency of the uncertainty distribution (P50).

(6)应当注意的新葡京是,储备, Contingent Resources and Prospective Resources involve different risks associated with achieving commerciality. 目前还不确定灰熊公司生产任何部分的潜在资源新葡京是否具有商业可行性. There is no certainty that any portion of 灰熊's Prospective Resources will be discovered. 如果发现, there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the Prospective Resources. 本新闻稿中讨论的灰熊的预期资源估计已包含发现机会的风险,但未包含开发机会的风险,因此被灰熊视为部分风险估计.

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         保罗·K. Heerwagen
         (405) 242-4888

