Gulfport能源公司宣布进入SCOOP游戏,并免费收购约85,000 Net Effective Acres

OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 14, 2016年(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Gulfport Energy Corporation(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(“Gulfport”或“公司”)今天宣布,公司已与Vitruvian II Woodford达成最终协议, LLC (“Vitruvian”), a portfolio company of Quantum Energy Partners, to acquire approximately 46,400 net surface acres in the core of the SCOOP, 其中2016年10月的净产量约为1.83亿立方米/天,总收购价格为1美元.85 billion.

Acquisition Highlights

  • Substantially contiguous acreage position totaling approximately 85,000 net effective acres, which includes rights to 46,400 Woodford acres and 38,600 Springer acres, in Grady, Stephens and Garvin Counties, Oklahoma, with approximately 80% held by production.   
  • Stacked-pay potential with approximately 1,750 gross drilling locations, including over 775 gross locations with internal rates of return of approximately 75%, 目标新葡京是Woodford和Springer层段,通过填充钻井和其他远景层段具有显著的上升潜力.
  • Existing production of approximately 183 MMcfe per day in the month of October 2016.
  • Total estimated proved reserves at September 30, 2016 were 1.1 Tcfe.

As of December 13, 2016, 格尔夫波特与维特鲁威签订了收购约46家公司的最终协议,400 net surface acres with multiple producing zones, including the Woodford and Springer formations, in Grady, Stephens and Garvin Counties, Oklahoma. 考虑到在这个高质量的位置上有许多生产层的潜力, Gulfport has identified approximately 1,750 gross drilling locations, 仅由Woodford和Springer区组成,通过填充钻井具有显著的上行潜力,并且在该面积上存在其他远景区. 此次收购的油田主要位于该区块的超压富液区至干气区,2016年10月的净产量约为1.83亿吨/天. 该交易还包括48口生产水平井和150多口未操作水平井的额外权益. 目前,该区域有4台钻机在运行,Gulfport计划在2017年保持4台钻机的节奏,并在2018年初再增加2台钻机. 根据维特鲁威截至9月30日的估计内部储备报告, 2016 and audited by Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., the estimated proved reserves attributable to the acreage are approximately 1.1 Tcfe.  The acquisition is expected to close in February 2017, subject to the satisfaction of certain closing conditions.

Consideration in the transaction includes a total purchase price of approximately $1.85 billion, consisting of $1.35 billion in cash and approximately 18.800万股私人配售给卖家的格尔夫波特普通股,可能会进行调整.  公司打算在交易完成前通过潜在的债务和股权融资为收购的现金部分提供资金. 

Chief Executive Officer and President, Michael G. Moore commented, “Today is a defining day for Gulfport Energy. 结合维特鲁威的优质勺立场与我们的多产的尤蒂卡资产将改变我们公司和巩固格尔夫波特在北美的两个核心地位高回报的天然气盆地. In Vitruvian, 我们相信,我们已经发现了一个具有丰富生产历史的叠层产油资源, a multi-year, 从资源和运营的角度来看,高回报的钻井库存新葡京是一个具有巨大优势的机会.  该资产由位于SCOOP核心的低风险、基本连续的面积组成. 这次收购不仅新葡京是对我们公司的补充,而且在我们看来新葡京是独一无二的. 该交易预计将增加现金流和每股净资产价值,并为我们提供一个区块, sizeable and scalable footprint in a new operating area.”

Vitruvian CEO and President, Richard F. Lane commented, “We are pleased to be part of this significant transaction, 不仅因为它代表了格尔夫波特的增值资产,也因为它代表了维特鲁威员工和利益相关者的成就. 我们计划与Gulfport团队密切合作,以确保资产无缝过渡到Gulfport.”

President of Quantum Energy Partners, Dheeraj Verma commented, “我们对这笔交易感到兴奋,并相信这些资产的组合将为迈克和他的团队提供更多的利润扩张和现金流增长的机会. 我们对这里的价值创造潜力相当乐观,并期待作为合并后公司的股东参与这一上升空间.”

美银美林(BofA Merrill Lynch)在Gulfport和Akin Gump Strauss Hauer的交易中担任独家财务顾问 & Feld LLP served as Gulfport’s legal counsel. Jefferies在交易和Vinson方面担任Vitruvian的财务顾问 & Elkins served as Vitruvian’s legal counsel.

About Gulfport
Gulfport Energy Corporation新葡京是一家总部位于俄克拉荷马城的独立石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,其主要生产资产位于俄亥俄州东部的Utica页岩和路易斯安那州墨西哥湾沿岸. In addition, Gulfport在加拿大阿尔伯塔油砂区拥有相当大的面积.9% interest in Grizzly Oil Sands ULC.

Forward Looking Statements
本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述被视为“前瞻性陈述”.” These statements include assumptions, expectations, predictions, intentions or beliefs about future events, particularly the consummation of the pending transaction described above. 格尔夫波特警告,实际的未来事件和结果可能与任何前瞻性陈述中明示或暗示的内容存在重大差异. Specifically, 格尔夫波特无法向您保证,上述拟议的交易将按照格尔夫波特目前考虑的条款完成, if at all. 有关这些和其他因素的信息可以在格尔夫波特提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中找到, including its Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K, which can be obtained free of charge on the SEC’s web site at

本新闻稿中的任何前瞻性陈述仅适用于本新闻稿发布之日, except as required by law, 格尔夫波特不承担更新本新闻稿中任何前瞻性陈述的义务, even if Gulfport’s expectations or any related events, conditions or circumstances change. 格尔夫波特不对通过有线或互联网服务对本新闻稿所做的任何更改负责.

Investor & Media Contact:
Paul K. Heerwagen IV – Vice President, Corporate Development

Jessica R. Wills – Manager, Investor Relations and Research

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Source: Gulfport Energy Corp